Accepting a Gift Card payment

A Gift Card is a prepaid money card that the customer can use as a payment method within one retail company. 

To accept a Gift Card payment, in POS Pro V6:

  1. On the Home Screen, tap New Sale.

  2. In the Sales Receipt area that opens, add a customer and sale items. To learn how to do that, see Sales Receipt: Adding a customer and items to the sale. Then, tap Payment at the bottom-right.

  3. In the Payment area, tap Gift Card in the right-side panel.

  4. In the Gift Card dialog (see the screenshot), if no customer was added under Sales Receipt > Customer, search for the required Gift Card. To do so:

  • tap the icon A in the search field to scan the customer’s Gift Card, or
  • enter the full Gift Card number in the search field

Alternatively, if the customer’s account was added under Sales Receipt > Customer, the customer’s Gift Cards display immediately on opening the Gift Card dialog.

  1. Tap Select B next to the required Gift Card.

  2. In the area with Amount Due that opens, tap the amount field to edit it. Then, tap Pay at the bottom.

  3. Back in the Payment area, once the full payment amount is captured, tap Finalize at the bottom-right.

Alternatively, to remove or edit the payment, swipe left the row with the Gift Card payment and then tap Remove or Edit, respectively.